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Network upgrades in progress Service will be intermittent.

Coin Dance

Community-driven Bitcoin Cash statistics and services.

Bitcoin Cash Network Upgrade

The Bitcoin Cash network has now been upgraded!

22351 blocks have been mined under the new consensus rules!

Page will refresh automatically as new blocks are mined...

Height Age Miner Size (kB)
868241 2 minutes ago Unknown 0.90
868240 2 minutes ago Unknown 17.67
868239 5 minutes ago Unknown 1.41
868238 6 minutes ago Unknown 22.47
868237 8 minutes ago Unknown 21.46
868236 13 minutes ago Unknown 31.28
868235 20 minutes ago ViaBTC 254.90
868234 51 minutes ago Unknown 40.60
868233 55 minutes ago Unknown 78.82
868232 1 hour ago Unknown 26.75
868231 1 hour ago Unknown 11.17
868230 1 hour ago Unknown 37.15
868229 1 hour ago Unknown 1.29
868228 1 hour ago Unknown 91.85
868227 1 hour ago Unknown 10.38
868226 1 hour ago NiceHash 110.26
868225 1 hour ago NiceHash 8.22
868224 1 hour ago ViaBTC 10.83
868223 1 hour ago Unknown 0.19
868222 1 hour ago ViaBTC 55.45
868221 2 hours ago Unknown 9.94
868220 2 hours ago Unknown 3.08
868219 2 hours ago Unknown 4.38
868218 2 hours ago Unknown 57.65
868217 2 hours ago NiceHash 21.72
868216 2 hours ago Unknown 56.72
868215 2 hours ago Unknown 13.29
868214 2 hours ago ViaBTC 20.87
868213 2 hours ago Unknown 110.39
868212 3 hours ago Unknown 23.75

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